Please Call For Rates

There is nothing like hunting elk in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. We have over 25 years of experience in elk hunting. We utilize every method available whether it be calling, or spot and stalk hunting. We hunt in very mountainous country that is quite steep and rocky. The weather is unpredictable. Elevations range from 7,000 ft and higher.

Please browse the list of units that we hold permits to guide in. We have supplied basic information on each of these units, and are more than happy to discuss further details with you.

Unit 38
Location: Idaho Springs
Success: No current clients
Trophy potential: 250-300 Class Bulls

Unit 39
Location: Idaho Springs
Success: 90% Rifle
Trophy potential: 250-350 Class Bulls

Unit 28
Location: Grand County
Trophy potential: 300 Class Bulls

Additional Units can be available upon request and approval from the Forest Service USDA